宁波睿聪电器有限公司成立于2013年年初的宁波睿聪电器有限公司是个人护理小家电行业的“新锐”。公司总经理(崔先生)凭借自己在个人护理行业里近30年从业经验,怀着“让家庭理发变得更简单,让家庭理发成为新的时尚”这一简单的梦想,创建了自己的企业。依靠其良好的个人口碑,以及多年与国际一线小家电品牌(如飞利浦和雷明顿等)生产技术合作的经验,迅速聚集了行业内的不少精英人才。睿聪电器“厚积薄发”,在成立不到一年的时间里迅速成为国内理发器、剃须刀和鼻毛刀等个人护理产品的标杆制造商之一。 “德国品质,睿聪制造”是企业最好的写照。睿聪电器现已顺利通过了ISO9001:2008质量体认证和欧盟BSCI社会责任认证。其产品全部通过了欧盟GS、CE、Rohs、ETL和日本PSE等多项国际安全和环保认证。公司产品远销德国、日本、巴西、土耳其、西班牙等58个国家和地区。其中睿聪OEM和ODM生产出口到日本地区的宠物电推剪占该地区从大陆进口总量的32%之多。睿聪生产的理发剪和鼻毛修剪器的产品迅速走进德国众多普通家庭中,依靠过硬的产品品质和优廉的价格迅速取得广大消费者的喜爱。 坐拥宁波深水港,睿聪电器落户在宁波鄞州区高桥镇,距离宁波火车站和宁波机场不足15分钟车程。 公司秉承“务实、创新、合作、共赢”的经营理念,诚邀广大国内外客户加盟,让我们携手共进,共同开拓美好未来。 Ningbo Ruicong Electric Co.,Ltd, established in earlier of year 2013, is a new manufacturer in shaving and grooming items from China. The General Manager Mr. Cui Xiantao is one of the most professional persons in personal care items with about 30 years’ experience. “To make the cut easy & simple” is the original idea for Mr. Cui to establish the company. As time goes on, Ruicong Electric Co. attracts lots of top talents working in the company and make the company developed rapidly in the past year. Resun brand hair clipper is very popular on the Taobao as well. Near to Ningbo sea port, it only takes 15 minutes from the company to Ningbo Airport or Railway station. Ningbo Ruicong Electric Co., Ltd already gained the certificates of ISO9001:2008 and passed the BSCI factory audit. Most products are with CE, GS, ETL and PSE approval. Currently the company has cooperated with the customers from Japan, Germany, Spain,Brasil, Turkey, Australia and Russia. The company will keep its advanges by “qualified products, quick response, competitive price and allround innovation” to grow with all the customers worldwide. Let’s join together and gain win-win results.
- 所在地区:浙江省宁波市
- 行业分类:电气机械及器材制造业
- 企业类型:有限责任公司
- 注册资金:128.000000万元人民币
- 地址:浙江省 宁波市 鄞州区 中国浙江宁波鄞州区高桥镇学院路208号
- 邮编:315000
所在地:广东省揭阳市经营范围: 电吹风 电吹风 电发夹 手电筒 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围: 电吹风 电熨斗 电热壶、电热杯 多士炉、烤面包机 榨汁机